November 25th 2014, Hannah Perner-Wilson

Lithium Polymer Battery - 1000mAh >> >> >> >> Chargers >>…
November 11th 2014, Hannah Perner-Wilson

Going back to a single LED we need a way to house it and strain-relieve…
November 11th 2014, Hannah Perner-Wilson

The bend sensors are not able to move as freely in their tubes and so…
November 11th 2014, Hannah Perner-Wilson

Eagle file >> INPUT Pin Connections Bend Sensors Bend sensors = input pins 5-12…
November 10th 2014, Hannah Perner-Wilson
November 10th 2014, Hannah Perner-Wilson

Connecting two xOSC gloves via a router to Glover….
November 7th 2014, Hannah Perner-Wilson

Programming an arrangement with the new Glover software to read in select sensor values and…
November 5th 2014, Hannah Perner-Wilson

Adam Stark has been programming the *New Glover* and we are now testing and getting…
November 2nd 2014, Hannah Perner-Wilson
October 31st 2014, Hannah Perner-Wilson

Dave Casey is building himslef not only a pair of DIY ArduIMU gloves, but also…
October 30th 2014, Hannah Perner-Wilson

Joe Bower’s version of the DIY ArduIMU glove!
October 30th 2014, Hannah Perner-Wilson

The following collection of data gloves tries to give a diverse overview and includes commercially…
October 27th 2014, Hannah Perner-Wilson

This post tries to collect an overview of Inertial Measurement Unit devices and Wireless Modules…
October 26th 2014, Hannah Perner-Wilson

This post seeks to define the parts, materials and techniques for producing the following hardware…
October 25th 2014, Hannah Perner-Wilson

This is a 3 x AA battery holder assembled from off-the-shelf single AA battery holders…
October 25th 2014, Kelly Snook

Various members of the team are busy testing the gloves as the technologies and designs…
October 23rd 2014, Kelly Snook

View this email in your browser Hello gLovers! This update has been a long time…
October 20th 2014, Hannah Perner-Wilson

Seb Madgwick recently visited Berlin and met up with Sjoerd who built his own DIY…
October 16th 2014, Hannah Perner-Wilson

3D prints of Alaina’s 3xAA battery cases printed on Ultimaker.
October 14th 2014, Hannah Perner-Wilson

The DIY Gloves were on show at the Wear It Festival in Berlin! Two of…

3 AA Printed Case: 2 Rough Models Direction One- Front Slide Direction Two- Updated…
September 29th 2014, Alaina

3 AA Printed Case: Third Round Sketching The third round of sketching reconsidered the entry…
September 28th 2014, Alaina

3 AA Printed Case: Curvature Studies No matter the final design, all the 3 AA…
September 28th 2014, Alaina

3 AA Printed Case: Second Round Sketching The second round of sketching grew out of…
September 27th 2014, Kelly Snook
September 27th 2014, Hannah Perner-Wilson

During the Schmiede Festival in Austria, I sat down with Daniel Huber who built a…
September 27th 2014, Hannah Perner-Wilson

If you don’t plan on using the Glover software you can program the ArduIMU to…
September 25th 2014, Hannah Perner-Wilson

At the Schmiede Festival in Austria together with Maurin Donneaud I worked on a new…
September 25th 2014, Alaina

The post discusses the initial exploration of 3 AA battery case. - Primary Goals 3 x AA…
September 7th 2014, Hannah Perner-Wilson

A pair of gloves for musician Imogen Heap, this post lists the various glove versions…
September 6th 2014, Hannah Perner-Wilson

The German news site n-tv just aired a piece on wearable technology that features the…
September 5th 2014, Hannah Perner-Wilson

Measurements taken on left hand of MiMu NIME glove, once with (bad) polyester sensors and…
September 5th 2014, Hannah Perner-Wilson

Rachel and Sam came to Berlin for three days of finalizing and making the battery…
September 4th 2014, Hannah Perner-Wilson

OUTX numbers in reverse order!
September 1st 2014, Hannah Perner-Wilson
August 27th 2014, Hannah Perner-Wilson

Bend Sensor Assemblies New neoprene solution: Button Assemblies Carrier Boards Motor Boards LED Boards
August 25th 2014, Hannah Perner-Wilson

Portable Powerbank and kwmobile - Power Bank >> >>
August 25th 2014, Hannah Perner-Wilson

August 25th 2014, Hannah Perner-Wilson

From Seb: “a quick thought (for future dev), if we are able to accommodate awkward…
August 12th 2014, Hannah Perner-Wilson

Stefania Serafin, professor at Aalborg University in Copenhagen, has made herself a pair of ArduIMU…
August 7th 2014, Hannah Perner-Wilson

Go fabric?
August 7th 2014, Hannah Perner-Wilson

A thin shell to prevent punctures.
August 6th 2014, Hannah Perner-Wilson

Replacing all 16 Flexpoint polyester laminate bend sensors for polyimide laminate sensors.
August 6th 2014, Hannah Perner-Wilson

We lasercut the glove pattern at Lime Warf in preparation for producing our Collaborator gloves!
August 6th 2014, Hannah Perner-Wilson

We seem to be experiencing a change in the bend sensor’s behavior over time -…
August 6th 2014, Hannah Perner-Wilson

Imogen says she prefers the larger button which has a housing of about 11.5 x…
August 6th 2014, Hannah Perner-Wilson

Instead of using the LiPo batteries to power the collaborator gloves, what about 3D printing…
May 13th 2014, Hannah Perner-Wilson

Towards improvements for next version…
May 1st 2014, Hannah Perner-Wilson

An attempt to catalog all the various glove versions we have made so far!
May 1st 2014, Hannah Perner-Wilson

Rachel, Seb and Hannah come together in London for a long weekend of gloves making!…
April 12th 2014, Hannah Perner-Wilson

Everything that needs to be done in time for NIME!!!
April 8th 2014, Hannah Perner-Wilson

Your opportunity to become a part of The Gloves Project by supporting us through our…
January 24th 2014, Maurin
Make DIY E-textile flex sensor combining resistive materials like velostat or Eeonyx fabric and conductive…
January 15th 2014, Hannah Perner-Wilson

Hybrid PCBs Rigid flex PCB Stretch PCBs STELLA Project >>
January 15th 2014, Hannah Perner-Wilson

What if we could 3D knit the gloves so that they are one piece of…
December 24th 2013, Hannah Perner-Wilson

The breakout board acts as a mediator between the hard electronics of the x-OSC and…
December 13th 2013, Hannah Perner-Wilson
PowerStick “It has on-board power switch and battery level indicator; very useful for performance checks….
December 13th 2013, Hannah Perner-Wilson

Figuring out the best value pull-up resistor for both the flex sensors and the e-textile…
December 4th 2013, Hannah Perner-Wilson

Imogen writes about the future of devices in this Wired Magazine article.
December 2nd 2013, Hannah Perner-Wilson

Photos Video

Looking for an Interface to play my “Roomsynthesizer” in Max MSP, which is a Synthesizer…
October 23rd 2013, Hannah Perner-Wilson

Sjoerd van der Sanden has built himself his own ArduIMU Glove! Instead of using Glover…
October 11th 2013, Hannah Perner-Wilson

Dirk Handreke is using The Gloves to perform his own composition. Here a recording from…
October 3rd 2013, Hannah Perner-Wilson

In preparation for Kickstarter this post collects materials info and costing for the materials we…
October 2nd 2013, Hannah Perner-Wilson
September 11th 2013, Seb Madgwick

Prototype x-OSC Gloves Kit for team to use in development. It is a self-contained, pre-configured…
August 31st 2013, Seb Madgwick

It was done together with Sean Bradford. The Gloves were controlling a track composed by…

small things to help making the setup an easier process. glove settings tab: - showing…

Finally playing with the gloves and putting some ideas together Small suggestion: To avoid causing…
August 16th 2013, Christoph Mann

We have a pair of gloves at the Studio for Electronic Music in Dresden. Now…
August 16th 2013, Christoph Mann

We built a visual synth based on Rob Ramirez MaxMSP jit.phys Tutorial: The balls bounce…
August 9th 2013, Hannah Perner-Wilson

Documentation of maga-gloves creation with Rachel Freire!
July 22nd 2013, Seb Madgwick

Today I met Professor WiFi and his student Simon Rankine to kickoff a summer project…
June 28th 2013, Hannah Perner-Wilson

Wishlist for next iteration on x-OSC glove. Depending on outcome of E-Textile vs Bend Sensor…
June 28th 2013, Hannah Perner-Wilson

This post summarizes our findings from comparing E-Textile sensors with commercial bend sensors.
May 19th 2013, Hannah Perner-Wilson

A two-month residency program where we send out pairs of the ArduIMU gloves used during…
May 9th 2013, Hannah Perner-Wilson

A pair of gloves using a new i/o board called xOSC developed by Tom and…
May 5th 2013, Hannah Perner-Wilson

Collection of different types of sensors that can be used for sensing bend/flex, position of…
March 5th 2013, Hannah Perner-Wilson

An attempt to build a pair of gloves from hacking a PS move controller.
March 3rd 2013, Hannah Perner-Wilson

Nadja took part in The Gloves Workshop at CTM this January and decided to build…
February 4th 2013, Hannah Perner-Wilson

An Open Hardware pair of datagloves developed as part of the Mi.Mu Gloves for Music…
February 4th 2013, Hannah Perner-Wilson

German website Hardware Hacks reports about The Gloves Workshop at CTM 2013.
February 3rd 2013, Hannah Perner-Wilson

An important part of starting to build The Gloves is to begin sourcing all the…
February 3rd 2013, Hannah Perner-Wilson

You will need a range of tools to complete this project. Most of them are…
February 3rd 2013, Hannah Perner-Wilson

This step is quite independant of the rest of the glove-making process, so really you…
February 3rd 2013, Hannah Perner-Wilson

Before you can start sewing the glove you need to cut out the pattern from…
February 2nd 2013, Hannah Perner-Wilson

Sewing a pair of gloves starts with cutting out the pattern. If you plan to…
February 1st 2013, Hannah Perner-Wilson

Set the sewing machine to 2-3 wide and 0-1 long: Video: Sewing around the edges…
February 1st 2013, Hannah Perner-Wilson

Before sewing to the neoprene you first want to fuse some non-stretch fabric to the…
January 31st 2013, Tom Mitchell

The default driver settings for v2.2.18 of the for the FTDI Mac serial driver produce…
January 30th 2013, Kelly Snook

Step-by-step instructions (including useful links) for using The Gloves (ArduIMU version) STEP 1 - Preparing…
January 27th 2013, Hannah Perner-Wilson

Three pairs of ArduIMU gloves for the CTM workshop. One extra pair as backup.
January 27th 2013, Hannah Perner-Wilson

Because not everybody has a pair of gloves, Adam Stark has written a Gloves Simulator,…
January 27th 2013, Hannah Perner-Wilson
January 27th 2013, Hannah Perner-Wilson
Adam Stark has written a range of what he calls “bridges” which are code examples…
January 27th 2013, Hannah Perner-Wilson

Downloading and Installing Processing Processing >> Because the Processing bridge uses the oscP5 library…
January 26th 2013, Kelly Snook

Today Ash Dorey from Team Exile visited Kelly at Pemberton Cottage, where we took Tim…
January 24th 2013, Seb Madgwick

The sparkfun order arrived today so Tom, Kelly and I spent some time finishing of…
January 24th 2013, Adam Stark
I’ve been working away the last few days on stuff for the workshop and explaining…