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Two Gloves and A Router

November 10th 2014, Hannah Perner-Wilson

Connecting two xOSC gloves via a router to Glover….

Animating Stick-Figure with Glover and Processing

November 7th 2014, Hannah Perner-Wilson

Programming an arrangement with the new Glover software to read in select sensor values and…

Notes on Using *New Glover* for the First Time

November 5th 2014, Hannah Perner-Wilson

Adam Stark has been programming the *New Glover* and we are now testing and getting…

Progress on Collaborator glove testing

October 25th 2014, Kelly Snook

Various members of the team are busy testing the gloves as the technologies and designs…

VVVV Bridge

September 27th 2014, Hannah Perner-Wilson

During the Schmiede Festival in Austria, I sat down with Daniel Huber who built a…

ArduIMU Code

September 27th 2014, Hannah Perner-Wilson

If you don’t plan on using the Glover software you can program the ArduIMU to…

FTDI LatencyTimer Driver Settings for Mac

January 31st 2013, Tom Mitchell

The default driver settings for v2.2.18 of the for the FTDI Mac serial driver produce…

Gloves Simulator

January 27th 2013, Hannah Perner-Wilson

Because not everybody has a pair of gloves, Adam Stark has written a Gloves Simulator,…

OSC Dictionary

January 27th 2013, Hannah Perner-Wilson



January 27th 2013, Hannah Perner-Wilson

Adam Stark has written a range of what he calls “bridges” which are code examples…

Processing Bridge

January 27th 2013, Hannah Perner-Wilson

Downloading and Installing Processing Processing >> Because the Processing bridge uses the oscP5 library…

Software Tools for the Workshop

January 24th 2013, Adam Stark

I’ve been working away the last few days on stuff for the workshop and explaining…

Communication Protocol

January 19th 2013, Seb Madgwick

Tom and I met at my house and cleaned up the commutation protocol implementation for…

Fixed Bend Sensor Calibration

January 15th 2013, Seb Madgwick

Tom and I implemented the checksum processing on Glover and found that this prevent the…