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Gloves Version Tracking

May 1st 2014, Hannah Perner-Wilson

An attempt to catalog all the various glove versions we have made so far!


3 Pairs of NIME Gloves!!!

May 1st 2014, Hannah Perner-Wilson

Rachel, Seb and Hannah come together in London for a long weekend of gloves making!…


Breakout Board for NIME

April 12th 2014, Hannah Perner-Wilson

Everything that needs to be done in time for NIME!!!


Stretch and Hybrid PCBs

January 15th 2014, Hannah Perner-Wilson

Hybrid PCBs Rigid flex PCB Stretch PCBs STELLA Project >>


Goves knit from one piece?

January 15th 2014, Hannah Perner-Wilson

What if we could 3D knit the gloves so that they are one piece of…


Data Gloves Overview

January 8th 2014, Hannah Perner-Wilson

The following collection of data glove projects, includes commercially available data gloves as well as…

Flex Breakout Board

December 24th 2013, Hannah Perner-Wilson

The breakout board acts as a mediator between the hard electronics of the x-OSC and…


Power Solution for x-OSC Gloves

December 13th 2013, Hannah Perner-Wilson

PowerStick “It has on-board power switch and battery level indicator; very useful for performance checks….

Pull-up Resistor Values

December 13th 2013, Hannah Perner-Wilson

Figuring out the best value pull-up resistor for both the flex sensors and the e-textile…

Rachel’s Forchette Glove V2!

December 2nd 2013, Hannah Perner-Wilson

Photos Video

Gloves Residency

First Glove Performance

October 23rd 2013, dirk

Looking for an Interface to play my “Roomsynthesizer” in Max MSP, which is a Synthesizer…

People's Gloves

Sjoerd’s Glove

October 23rd 2013, Hannah Perner-Wilson

Sjoerd van der Sanden has built himself his own ArduIMU Glove! Instead of using Glover…

Gloves Residency

Dirk’s first Wireless Session with Gloves

October 11th 2013, Hannah Perner-Wilson

Dirk Handreke is using The Gloves to perform his own composition. Here a recording from…


Materials Gathering and Costing

October 3rd 2013, Hannah Perner-Wilson

In preparation for Kickstarter this post collects materials info and costing for the materials we…

Rachel’s Fourchette Glove!

October 2nd 2013, Hannah Perner-Wilson


Prototype x-OSC Gloves Kit

September 11th 2013, Seb Madgwick

Prototype x-OSC Gloves Kit for team to use in development. It is a self-contained, pre-configured…


Prototype x-OSC Gloves Video

August 31st 2013, Seb Madgwick

Gloves Residency

Project presented at the Gloves Workshop

August 17th 2013, Rui

It was done together with Sean Bradford. The Gloves were controlling a track composed by…

Gloves Residency

Glover App: feature suggestions

August 17th 2013, Rui

small things to help making the setup an easier process. glove settings tab: - showing…

Gloves Residency

Velcro strap to hold USB cable

August 17th 2013, Rui

Finally playing with the gloves and putting some ideas together Small suggestion: To avoid causing…

Gloves Residency

Glove Tests

August 16th 2013, Christoph Mann

We have a pair of gloves at the Studio for Electronic Music in Dresden. Now…

Gloves Residency

Glove Ball Demos

August 16th 2013, Christoph Mann

We built a visual synth based on Rob Ramirez MaxMSP jit.phys Tutorial: The balls bounce…

“Mega-Gluvs” V1

August 9th 2013, Hannah Perner-Wilson

Documentation of maga-gloves creation with Rachel Freire!


Professor WiFi’s Summer Project

July 22nd 2013, Seb Madgwick

Today I met Professor WiFi and his student Simon Rankine to kickoff a summer project…

Another Pair of Gluvs

June 28th 2013, Hannah Perner-Wilson

Wishlist for next iteration on x-OSC glove. Depending on outcome of E-Textile vs Bend Sensor…

E-Textile vs. Bend Sensors

June 28th 2013, Hannah Perner-Wilson

This post summarizes our findings from comparing E-Textile sensors with commercial bend sensors.

Gloves Residency

Gloves Residency

May 19th 2013, Hannah Perner-Wilson

A two-month residency program where we send out pairs of the ArduIMU gloves used during…


xOSC Gloves

May 9th 2013, Hannah Perner-Wilson

A pair of gloves using a new i/o board called xOSC developed by Tom and…


Bend/Flex Sensor Overview

May 5th 2013, Hannah Perner-Wilson

Collection of different types of sensors that can be used for sensing bend/flex, position of…

PS Move Gloves

March 5th 2013, Hannah Perner-Wilson

An attempt to build a pair of gloves from hacking a PS move controller.

People's Gloves

Nadja Makes a Pair of Gloves

March 3rd 2013, Hannah Perner-Wilson

Nadja took part in The Gloves Workshop at CTM this January and decided to build…


FTDI LatencyTimer Driver Settings for Mac

January 31st 2013, Tom Mitchell

The default driver settings for v2.2.18 of the for the FTDI Mac serial driver produce…


Workshop Gloves

January 27th 2013, Hannah Perner-Wilson

Three pairs of ArduIMU gloves for the CTM workshop. One extra pair as backup.

Last Preparation Before Berlin

January 24th 2013, Seb Madgwick

The sparkfun order arrived today so Tom, Kelly and I spent some time finishing of…

Configuring The RN-42 Bluetooth Module

January 24th 2013, Seb Madgwick

The RN-42 Bluetooth module default settings are compatible with our intended use but some alternative…

Communication Protocol

January 19th 2013, Seb Madgwick

Tom and I met at my house and cleaned up the commutation protocol implementation for…

Fixed Bend Sensor Calibration

January 15th 2013, Seb Madgwick

Tom and I implemented the checksum processing on Glover and found that this prevent the…


ArduIMU Circuit

January 13th 2013, Hannah Perner-Wilson

Notes - 6 analog inputs, but two don”t have internal pull/up resistors! - 6 BS:…

Everyone In My lab

January 13th 2013, Seb Madgwick

The whole team met in my lab today to prepare to for the CTD workshop. …

Got the RGB LED working

January 12th 2013, Seb Madgwick

Met Tom in my lab to make more progress on the ArduIMU gloves. While testing…

Four Bend Sensors Per Glove?

January 7th 2013, Seb Madgwick

The ArduIMU has six analogue inputs and we are currently intending to use six bend…

Getting quaternions out of the ArduIMU

January 5th 2013, Seb Madgwick

My goal today was to get the ArduIMU sending quaternions.  I couldn’t get the official…

My First Arduino Project

January 2nd 2013, Seb Madgwick

This is my first post my first post and the start of my first Arduino…

ArduIMU Version

January 1st 2013, Hannah Perner-Wilson

An Open Hardware pair of datagloves that capture movement and gestures of the hand using…

Arduino Mini Version

December 25th 2012, Hannah Perner-Wilson

An alternate version of the of the ArduIMU gloves that use an Arduino Mini and…


December 24th 2012, Hannah Perner-Wilson

Bill of Materials Sparkfun wishlist >> ArduIMU Version: ArduIMU >> or >>…


December 23rd 2012, Hannah Perner-Wilson

Brainstorming ideas for the ArduIMU Gloves


December 20th 2012, Hannah Perner-Wilson

Bluetooth mate on top of ArduIMU:

Glove Designs

November 20th 2012, Hannah Perner-Wilson

A collection of all the different glove designs.