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Gloves Workshop at CTM

January 1st 2013

January 28 – February 1, part of the CTM festival Musicmakers Hacklab held at Kunstraum Bethanien in Berlin, Germany

Computers play an important role in the production of music and we are interested in new ways to compose and perform music live. The Gloves are a new, wearable and stylish musical interface that allow you to manipulate sound by simply moving your hands. In a 4-day workshop we invite you to explore how The Gloves can be integrated within your own projects, showing you how to connect data from the gloves with a wide range of music applications and environments.

Workshop Call

Whether you are a novice or professional, a musician, programmer, maker, tailor or performer, if you are interested in using, designing, wearing, testing or hacking the gloves for your own purposes, please submit your ideas for our workshop after reading the complete call for participants here:


>> Workshop announcement on Create Digital Music
>> Workshop participant projects on MusicMakers Hacklab
>> CTM Hacklab announcement and schedule

Video from the Workshop

Photos from the Workshop

Imogen talks about The Gloves:

Participants at work:

Tim Exile uses The Gloves to control his machine:

The Gloves up close:

2 Comments so far

  1. The Gloves Project on February 4th, 2013

    […] German website Hardware Hacks reports about The Gloves Workshop at CTM 2013. […]

  2. The Gloves Project on March 6th, 2013

    […] took part in The Gloves Workshop at CTM this January and decided to build herself a pair of the ArduIMU gloves. Following our online DIY […]

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