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Gloves Simulator

Because not everybody has a pair of gloves, Adam Stark has written a Gloves Simulator, a graphical interface that allows you to simulate the various sensor data that The Gloves generate by moving sliders in the GUI.
The Gloves Simulator can be downloaded from The Gloves Project Bitbucket repository:

Because The Gloves Simulator runs in Max you will at least need to download a run-time version of Max (free) if you don’t already have the free trial or paid version installed:

Screen-shot of The Gloves Simulator:

1 Comment so far

  1. The Gloves Project on September 27th, 2014

    […] Because not everybody has a pair of gloves, Adam Stark has written a Gloves Simulator, a graphical interface that allows you to simulate the various sensor data that The Gloves generate by moving sliders in the GUI. Link >> […]

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