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Gloves Residency

May 19th 2013

A two-month residency program where we send out pairs of the ArduIMU gloves used during the CTM workshop to individuals interested in exploring, documenting and sharing what they do with The Gloves on this website.

Apply to the Gloves Residency

Currently all Gloves are in residency and we are waiting for the first round to complete before making further arrangements. If you are interested in applying to “host” a pair of gloves for a two-month residency, please sign-up to our newsletter to receive information as things go forward. If you are desperate for a pair of gloves, please also consider building your own using the DIY GLoves documentation.

You can also email us the following information about yourself as a first step:
- tell us a bit about yourself and your work
- what would you like to use the gloves for?
- where are you located? country/city
- what two-month period would work best for you?
- how big are you hands? (small, medium, large)
- if you have a preference in colour, which pair of gloves would you like to receive? (colour combinations: pink/gray, red/yellow, black/blue)

Information for Gloves Residency Hosts


GloverArduIMU >>
Bridges >>
Arduino code on ArduIMU >>


Glover’s OSC messages >>
Glover GUI >>
Uploading code to ArduIMU >>
ArduIMU Making-of >>

Posting to the Website

Upon becoming a Gloves Residency host you will receive a login and password to the blog. Please document your work with the gloves by creating new posts and filing them in the category “Gloves Residency“. Thank you!
Login to website >>

Questions, Contact

Email me regarding anything, and I will be sure to pass on relevant questions to the other team members!

Current Gloves Residency Hosts

Christoph Mann

Residency dates: June - August 2013

Short Bio:
Christoph Mann works currently at the Electronic Studio of the University of Music Dresden. Originally coming from an electronic music background, he studied audioengineering in germany and started audio-related programming a few years ago. At the moment he is working on a system to perform compositions and complex audiodesigns in realtime.

Plans for Gloves:
“At the studio, we have this neat software framework, which lets students easily scope, shape and map any incoming OSC datastreams to whatever instrument they wish. We will incorporate The Gloves in this setup, and create multiple installations to demonstrate electronic instruments without knobs or keys. The performances will be held at July the 5th, at the “Long Night of the Sciences” in Dresden, an event in which all universities will be open to the public, offering great presentations.”


Rui Miguel

Residency dates: July - August 2013

Short Bio:
A freak for controllers and other innovative forms of interacting with audiovisual technology.

Plans for Gloves:


3 Comments so far

  1. Christoph Mann on June 22nd, 2013

    Got them last week, now starting to work with them.

    Thanks again for sending them to me, I will post interesting stuff soon (hopefully).

  2. Laurence Duff on September 20th, 2013

    Christopher Mann,
    How was the experience with mapping movements into ableton. Was it a record movement (via motion capture), then simply map you sample or virtual instrument as you do with any other ableton midi controller. Also, what was it like having the range of space to step into a different scene. Was it a scene? :-) sorry if you’ve already answered these questions elsewhere. Cheers!

  3. Get into Magic Gloves | mutekblog on October 25th, 2013

    […] Get into Magic Gloves […]

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