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PS Move Gloves?

March 5th 2013, Hannah Perner-Wilson

30 Euro - even cheaper than ArduIMU with all the add-ons! >> >>

Nadja Makes a Pair of Gloves

March 3rd 2013, Hannah Perner-Wilson

Nadja took part in The Gloves Workshop at CTM this January and decided to build…

xOSC Gloves

March 1st 2013, Hannah Perner-Wilson

A pair of gloves using a new i/o board called xOSC developed by Tom and…

Workshop Gloves

January 27th 2013, Hannah Perner-Wilson

Three pairs of ArduIMU gloves for the CTM workshop. One extra pair as backup.

ArduIMU Circuit

January 13th 2013, Hannah Perner-Wilson

Notes - 6 analog inputs, but two don”t have internal pull/up resistors! - 6 BS:…

ArduIMU Version

January 1st 2013, Hannah Perner-Wilson

An Open Hardware pair of datagloves that capture movement and gestures of the hand using…

Arduino Mini Version

December 25th 2012, Hannah Perner-Wilson

An alternate version of the of the ArduIMU gloves that use an Arduino Mini and…


December 24th 2012, Hannah Perner-Wilson

Bill of Materials Sparkfun wishlist >> ArduIMU Version: ArduIMU >> or >>…


December 23rd 2012, Hannah Perner-Wilson

Brainstorming ideas for the ArduIMU Gloves

Bend Sensor Review

December 20th 2012, Hannah Perner-Wilson

The Spectra flex sensors are badly designed. At the point where the metal connector pierces…


December 20th 2012, Hannah Perner-Wilson

Bluetooth mate on top of ArduIMU:

Glove Designs

November 20th 2012, Hannah Perner-Wilson

A collection of all the different glove designs.